Soon, I'll begin introducing costume posts, but first, I'd like you to see where it all happens.
Meet Mason!
About two years ago, my dad bought the "Contents" of a front porch at an auction sale. Among all the rocking chairs and junk, was this sewing machine, almost in perfect condition, with the drawers simply stuffed full of treasures!
The best thing that the drawers contained was this little metal box full of attachments, including; a tucker, ruffler, piping foot, and many sizes of Hem feet.
(Any advice on how to use the tucker foot would be appreciated, I still cant figure it out!)
I have discovered a pleasure rarely enjoyed anymore, the gentle clack of metal machinery, as the fabric threads through.
It makes the tiniest stitches and (though I know it isn't supposed to) with a little tension, the large stitches gather as they go through.
One of Mason's best features has to be the fact that it uses a normal bobbin, not a shuttle, and regular modern needles, so I need not worry if anything breaks, I won't be searching for ages and paying out the nose for new parts. (The only thing that had gone bad was the leather belt, and that was easily replaced with the help of "Lehman's" )
My Modern electric machine has recently become much to unruly to work with, not to mention, much too fast. When it did, Dad helped me get Mason back in good working order again, which like I said, didn't take much, and I've been clacking away ever since.
I hope you've enjoyed this glance into my sewing room,
Until next time!
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